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2024 Feb. AMENIDA Volunteer Event - Review

2024년 2월 10일, 음력 설을 맞이하여 Amenida Seniors Community에 봉사활동을 다녀왔습니다. 이번 봉사활동의 공연은 시니어 공연팀(최희윤, 박준호, 임한빈, 이지현, 이승환)과 KCYA 멤버들(정재훈, 노혜원, 노지원)의 피아노 독주, 난타 공연으로 구성되었습니다. 참여 멤버들은 어르신들의 입장을 도와 자리를 안내하고, 공연 중간에 어르신들의 편의를 도우며 함께 공연을 즐겼습니다. 사회를 맡으신 이성훈 이사님께서 추첨 이벤트를 통해 어르신들께 선물을 증정하였습니다. 또한, 부모님들께서 준비해주신 선물과 간식으로 퇴장하는 어르신들께 나눔의 기쁨을 더 드릴 수 있었습니다. 적극적으로 봉사활동에 참여해준 KCYA 멤버들과 부모님들께 깊은 감사의 말씀을 드립니다.

On February 10th, 2024, KCYA went to the Amenida Seniors Community to celebrate the Lunar New Year for volunteer work. The performance of this volunteer event consisted of a musical performance by the special performance team (Klara Choi, Junho Park, Han Bin Yim, Linda Lee, and Sam Lee) and a piano solo and Nanta performance by KCYA members(Jeahoon Jung, Hyewon Monica Roh and Jiwon Roh). Participating members enjoyed the performance together by helping the seniors enter their seats, guiding them to their seats, and assisting them with their convenience during the performance. Director Sung Hoon Lee, who served as emcee, presented gifts to the seniors through a drawing event. In addition, we were able to give the seniors more joy by sharing their experiences as they left, thanks to the gifts and snacks prepared by the parents. We express our deepest gratitude to the KCYA members and parents who actively participated in volunteer activities.

KCYA Participants

Seohyun Lee(MC), Jaehoon Chung(Piano), Hyewon Roh(Nanta), Jiwon Roh(Nanta), Marcus Kim, Justin Jung, Youngjae Cho, Moojin Koo, Yoorim Nam, Joseph Yoon, Juno Jeon, Seonyou Choi, Yunjin Jung, Minjoon Kim, Jeyoon Lee, Hyojae Shin, David Park, Heonjae Lee, Bomi Kim, Hyoseo Shin, Wonjun Jeong, Sabrina Stratopoulos, Aiden Choi, Jinny Kim, Eunice Sohn Photos & Videos by Ziu Hyun, Eugene Sung, Minyoung Her, Jibeom Lee, Stephanie Yoon

조회수 59회댓글 0개

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